Masatoshi Sato
Masatoshi Sato is a Professor at Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile. He is a lifelong language learner, language teacher, and teacher trainer. His research agenda is to conduct theoretical and applied research in order to facilitate the dialogue between practitioners and researchers.
In addition to his publications in international journals, he has co-edited volumes from John Benjamins (2016: Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning), Routledge (2017: The Routledge Handbook of ISLA; 2019: Evidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy), Language Teaching Research (2021: Learner Psychology and Instructed Second Language Acquisition), and The Modern Language Journal (2022: The Research-Practice Relationship). He is the recipient of the 2014 ACTFL/MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award. He is currently the Editor of Language Awareness. Email: masatoshi.sato@unab.cl / Twitter: @masatoshi_sato